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    Download Facebook Videos on Mobile Without any App

    Download Facebook Videos on Mobile – Facebook is Now Flooded with videos only and many times you want to download Facebook videos on Mobile without any App. So in this post we will provide you all steps to download Facebook videos without any App or Software. Here’s Largest Facebook Group Collection having 1 Million Members or more

    Download Facebook Videos on Mobile

    By uploading videos to Facebook directly, you can take advantage of these two benefits: Your videoswill play automatically in News and you don’t need to share it in Youtube. Videos are one of the most immersive ways to share and discover on Facebook.
    You can share videos and discover videos in your News Feed. 

    Steps to Download Facebook Videos on Mobile Without any App

    1. Open Chrome App in your Android Mobile
    2. Now Type m.Facebook.com on the Chrome
    3. Login using your Facebook Details and open it in Chrome. Do not open it in Facebook App.
    Image result for facebook in chrome
    4. Now Scroll your News Feed as usual and suppose you Find any Video in facebook which you want to Download.
    5. Long Press in middle of that Video.
    6. You will see option to Download the Video.
    7. Click on that and your Video starts Downloading.
    8. You can see downloaded videos in File Manager.
    8. This Feature is available in updated Chrome App so update your Chrome app if not updated.

    So use above steps to Download Facebook Videos on Mobile Without any App. These are simple steps and no technical knowledge is required for this. If you know any other method do comment below, we will add in this to help other visitors of this Blog.

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